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  • Annakuta Festival

    2 Nov 2024

    Annakuta Festival - A Festival of Loving Reciprocation

    Govardhan Puja or Annakuta Festival, day after Diwali, honours the pastime when Lord Krishna and the residents of Vrindavan worship and offer various foodstuffs to the Govardhan Hill. As per Vedic scriptures, Govardhan Hill (also known as Sri Giriraj) is considered non-different from Krishna. 

    Throughout the year, Govardhan Hill supplies Krishna with fruits, flowers, caves, spring water, etc and the Krishna reciprocates with Him by offering Him foodstuffs. 

    As part of Govardhan Puja festivities, ISKCON Juhu shall begin the celebrations with Go-puja - worship of the scared cow followed by preparing of a wonderful replica of Govardhan hill from various foodstuffs which are lovingly prepared by devotees. These foodstuffs are later distributed as prasad (sanctified food) amongst devotee/ visitors.

    The festival is a symbol of loving reciprocation between the Lord and His devotees. You can participate in this festival by offering to contribute for annakuta or towards Go-Seva - worship of cows and receive unlimited blessings of Krishna.

    Donate for Annakut Festival on Govardhan Puja

    Or, Donation for Annakuta Festival